Peter Boghossian interviews Luana Maroja (and a note on “transracialism”)
Helen Joyce: Parents Of Trans Children Will Not Be Able To Move On

Watch Helen Joyce from The Economist explain why parents who transitioned their children will make this a fight to the death

Grievance studies hoaxer: research ‘replicating dominant ideology’

Academia’s ‘Safe Space’ Invalids

Female molecular geneticist at UC Berkeley debate nails the reason so many women are in fear of trans women in changing rooms and prisons

This powerful testimony from a molecular geneticist completely destroys transgender ideology in just two minutes

NAU students discuss social issues, try to find common ground

Peter Boghossian on his Reverse Q&A tour and fighting illiberalism in academia: “Abysmal. That’s the one-word description of the state of free speech on college campuses.”

“They think their conviction makes them a better person.” — Brown Interviews Peter Boghossian